Design for Disability e-invite.indd

Design For Disability Pop Up

The Design For Disability Pop-Up is a 5 day residency of designer Jessica Ryan-Ndegwa at Pem Peoples Pop Up Shop (91 Peckham High Street), an open space devoted to product designers who want to explore and experiment with how to design everyday products for disabled people.

During my design degree I noticed the lack of disabled individuals that were involved at the forefront and crucial stages of the design process of designing product aids, this result meant that products were not suitable to the end user. This lack lead me further to re-design traditional medical aids into products that held more meaning to the user rather than it just being perceived as a tool. The pop-up will be held from the 5th – 9th of December all day everyday, from Monday to Friday including industry talks and forum conversations, hoping to make designers more aware of Design for Disability and to include more disabled people at the forefront of making everyday tools.

List of participants: Disrupt Disability, Fixperts, Shape Arts, Safari Seat and others.


Monday 5 December

10am – 7pm: Open all day to the public, including designing a question banner “Are disabled people taken on board when designers design for disability?” (for younger years) – Jessica’s designs on display all week – all welcome

6pm – 7pm: Welcoming chat to introduce topic of conversation – open to the public (part accessible – apologies for no BSL interpreter)

7pm – 9pm: Evening Reception – Invite only (designers and industry personnel)

Tuesday 6 December
10am – 12:30pm: Open public exhibition morning – all welcome

2pm – 4pm: Fixperts Workshop: Fixperts is a social design campaign and education programme. Fixperts invites people who are good at making to design for others. There have been over 200 projects worldwide, across over 19 countries. The process works through observation and hearing what are real peoples real needs. In this workshop you will be observing, sketching, making and testing designs for everyday problems! For tickets please register at (maximum of 14 tickets availible for this workshop).

6pm – 8pm: SShape Arts – Young Leaders forum hold a monthly forum meeting discussing the topic of question: “Are disabled people taken on board when designers design for disability?” – all welcome

Wednesday 7 December

10am – 12:30pm: Open public exhibition morning – all welcome

2pm: A presentation by Cara O’Sullivan, founder of the evolvable walking aid kit and co-founder of the SafariSeat (a revolutionary open-source wheelchair for developing countries) explaining her team’s design process and their recent crowdfunding success, followed by a Q&A session – all welcome

Thursday 8 December

10am – 7pm: Open day to the public – all welcome

Friday 9 December

Open public exhibition morning and afternoon – all welcome

6pm – 7pm: Talk from Charley Pothecary, (a Service designer at snook): Charley and Jessica collaborated in a joint project called Ergo – a service that creates personally ergonomic tools that can then be further customised by the user: – all welcome

Click straight to Ergo:

See you there!

This event is part accessible (without an accessible loo, although Peckham Library is next door space).

Please contact Jessica Ryan-Ndegwa with any queries and to RSVP to workshops:

Nearest Rail and Overground station: Peckham Rye (5 min walk)

Further visiting information: contact Nicholas Okwulu, Community Enabler, People Empowering People (Pempeople), 07859 821 918

Start: 5th December, 2016 at 10am

End: 9th December, 2016 at 8pm

Location: PemPeople Pop-Up Shop is located at 91 Peckham High Street, Peckham, London SE15 5RS (next to Peckham Platform)