My Products
“Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful“ – Dieter Rams
For my design for production project, I asked myself the question, “Are disabled designers more inclined to designing better products suited to disabled users than non-disabled designers?” From there, I decided on collaborating with two other people, an occupational therapist who works with disabled people, a person with a severe disability and also fixing a personal issue that I’ve faced. By doing this, I got a better insight into the specific needs of the user and how I could tailor make the products to suit their needs.
Button-Hook Hairclip – For me, I made a hairclip, which doubles as a button-hook aid, so I could take off cardigans without needing someone to assist me, which is extremely inconvenient when I’m by myself.
Zip-Pull Dogtag – For the person with the more severe disability, I designed a dog tag, with a hidden zip-pull aid, so that he could use it whenever he needed to, without have to carry around an embarrassing, clunky medical aid
Flash-Drive Key – The occupational therapist explained to me how, in her busy life, she often loses or forgets her flash drive, which stores crucial and confidential information about her patients. I made a deadlock key, with a USB drive attached to the end, so she could store it on her keychain, where it would be safe and always close to her.